

You might have got an idea about the content of this page from the title itself, but you are also aware of a famous thought; that is, don’t judge a book by its cover. So, I am pretty sure you will read the entire content. Coming back to the topic: mask, it has always been a part of our life. Although it was invisible before the COVID-19 Pandemic, we always wore a mask. Wondering how? Let me ask you one question. Do you behave the same when you are with your family, friends, or colleague? No, right? Then what makes you behave or look so different at different places? It’s the Mask. Yes! We wear an invisible mask to hide all our emotions and look different in various situations. The act of being good, the act of being bad, the act of being happy, the act of being sad, all these are nothing but the types of invisible masks we have always been wearing. Our real identity is always hidden with this.

In the current pandemic situation, we are frustrated with the mask that we are bound to wear inorder to protect ourselves. But what about the mask that we have always carried on our face, hiding our real identity? Wasn’t that frustrating? We are given a chance to express ourselves right in the situation in which we are, and guess what, nobody can read our expressions or judge us. Wearing a mask was never a new set in this COVID-19 Pandemic; rather it was always followed by us and many of us may still continue to wear an invisible mask even after the COVID-19 Pandemic is over and continue to hide their real personality, hence the frustration will never end. So, learn to wear a protective mask, remove this invisible mask, and experience the delight of being the real you.


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