What is a beauty? I mean how do we define beauty? Normally, if I ask anyone what is beauty, he/she will define beauty in terms of looks and features. So almost 95% of people measure beauty in technical terms by looking at shapes and features. But this is not the true definition of beauty. What I feel is beauty lies in acceptance and comfort. If you are accepting what you are and you are comfortable in what you have, you will be beautiful.
Beauty has its roots from the acceptance of pattern. Accepting how you are and what you are will build up confidence in you which automatically attracts other people to you and that is probably what true beauty is. I think most of us don't feel beautiful since we never listen to ourselves rather we use fashion, clothes, accessories, etc. as a security cover to feel good, without realizing whether these things are actually helping us out? Anything that fits and flows effortlessly seems to be beautiful. If we talk about humans, whenever they are exuberant & joyful everyone seems to be beautiful. So it's never been color, shape, size, looks, etc. it's always been your inner happiness which keeps you beautiful and loving.
Well said