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Parenting and Childhood, both are the most sensitive issues nowadays. Let us see first, what parenting actually means. Being a parent and raising your child is indeed a challenge but somewhere fulfilling experience. If you are a parent then you always tend to figure out the right way of raising your child. The way you raise your child it would set precedence of their life. Like every child every parent is different, their way of raising their child is different. "Children are like wet cement, whatever falls on them makes an impression", a good piece of thought right? Well, being a parent is not about teaching your child about morals and ethics of the society but understanding your child matters a lot. Whenever your child feels bore at home, you must provide space, let your child be close to nature and explore the world with all his sense. Whenever your child needs you, be available in any situation. 
Now you must be thinking being strict with child is ok or being lenient is ok. Well let me ask you one thing.. If you are nurturing a garden or any plant would you sit for hours in front of it and try to extract flowers and fruits? No. Right! Instead you maintain a good atmosphere and provide some necessary things. Same is the case, here you just have to maintain a good atmosphere and provide nourishment (love & care). Just help your child to look towards life as human being. Today or tomorrow your child has to learn things with his own intelligence making his own decision of what to do in life. The only thing is to help your child in looking at things with his own intelligence rather than being influenced by this or that. Never try to compare your child with others, because every child is unique and possess some talent which could be entirely different from others. So it's just a matter of understanding your child and creating a good atmosphere for him to nurture well.

Childhood! I feel it never reaches an end since your are one and the same for your parents throughout their life. Well, being a child you also possess some responsibilities! Yes you are reading it right, Responsibility of listening, agreeing, behaving at the very early stage that's what you could do for them. Sometimes situation arrives where you might get out of control and do things which somewhere hurt your parents but if you think sensibly before you act, you will never hurt your parents. Just the way they take care for you, you should also try to understand them, think from their point of view too. 
Staying calm and understanding what your parents want to say could be the ultimate solution for all. Before arguing on any of the topic try to make them understand your perspective too. Argument happens only when there is lack of understanding. Wherever things doesn't works for you try to have a discussion with your parents because they are the only one who could guide you unconditionally. Try to share everything that happens in your life with your parents, make friendship with them. Believe me no friend would be the best friend than your parents. Sharing your perspective and thoughts will try to make things simpler for you as well as for your parents.


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